Version 1.12

Mostly features and bug fixes for Joanne + Greg!

NEW Copy and Paste breakdown sheet text-fields

  • You can now highlight and copy text inside breakdown sheet fields and paste them into other strips (like how copy paste typically works in all other websites out there). This was never possible before because of a bug due to our custom copy/paste feature for strips and elements, but we have since solved it!

  • You can also hold “Cmd” or “Ctrl” and select multiple fields in the breakdown sheet and Copy to your clipboard. Then you can multi-select other strips and paste your selected elements in bulk to the other strips.

NEW Text-Banner Designer

  • Per Joanne’s request, you can now customize and design your Text-Banners in the LAYOUT MANAGER similar to how you already design Strips and Daybreaks. This is just Version 1.0 of this feature, and more content types will be added in the future. In the current build, you can delete the “Est Time” cell out of your Text-Banner design so that your untimed boards are purged of displaying Estimated Time values throughout.

Other Customer Requested Features

(Thank you to Joanne + Greg + Nico)

  • Shooting Schedule Report — Show Specific Category Only. Example: Make a shooting schedule where only ‘Background’ element-category is displayed.

  • Shooting Schedule Report — Added quantities of each element. The Shooting Schedule PDF will now display the Quantity of each element. Therefore “club attendees” will now appear as “club attendees (50)” for clearer count-totals.

  • Delete Element Anchors + Links from Breakdown Sheet. Greg reported a bug where if you removed an element that is linked to other elements, the program would accidentally trigger a “Delete this entire strip” alert. This was a bug. We also added a new menu that asks you if you want to delete all Linked Elements. You can pick and choose which linked elements you want to delete, when deleting an Anchor.

  • Tabbing Bug. Some menus like the “Edit Element Modal” had broken behavior when user pressed [Tab] on their keyboard to get to the next field. It was previously tabbing through fields in the Breakdown Sheet behind the pop-up — this is fixed.

  • Checking an Element in the Element-Input field would incorrectly ‘clear’ the dropdown. Another Greg discovery! If you had typed a partial word into the Add Element field and used your mouse to select one of the elements, it would annoying close the entire menu. This prevented users from quickly selecting multiple elements and slowed down data-entry. We fixed this.

  • Empty Strips appearing very thin. Strips that did not have Pgs or BG in the strip-layout would appear very thin on the Stripboard until content was added to the strip. We have corrected this so it doesn’t look so weird.

  • “Ghost strips”. We had a bug where empty “ghost” strips would be produced in a few users’ files due to intermittent internet connectivity. These “ghost strips” would appear in your file as a 1 pixel thin horizontal line in the stripboard and was messing up the Drag & Drop behavior. We now display these ghost strips (if you have them, it is very rare) as big red banners. Simply click the banner, and it will delete the ghost out of your file and correct itself.

  • Increased font size in Shooting Schedule. Per Nico’s request, we increased the font-size in the Shooting Schedule’s scene-details to improve legibility for printed documents. We’ll be coming back to this feature again this upcoming sprint to add a ‘Sm / Md / Lg’ font setting to let you customize how you want it.


Version 1.13


Version 1.11