Version 1.13

NEW Start-of-day Banners. More layout customization settings. More hotkeys.

NEW Start-of-day Banners

Due to popular demand, we’ve created a new strip-type called “Start-of-day Banner.” This is essentially a special text-banner that will automatically update the {Shootday #} and {Date} depending on which daybreak the banner belongs to in the stripboard. You can fully customize the default layout, font, color, and {content} of the SoD Banners in the Layout Manager.

  • How to add SoD Banners to your Stripboard

    • Step 1. Go to your Stripboard

    • Step 2. Click the new “Start of Day Banner” icon in the toolbar

    • Step 3. Move the SoD Banner between your daybreaks and notice how it auto-updates the {Day #} and {Date}

    • Step 4. Celebrate! 🥳

  • How to customize SoD Banners in Layout Manager

    • Step 1. Go to Layout Manager

    • Step 2. Click the new “Start of Day” tab in the right-panel

    • Step 3. Customize your SoD Banner cells styling and content

NEW Layout Manager Customization Settings

  • New 24-grid layouts. We’ve increased the density of the strip layout grid from 12-cells to 24-cells. This allows you to have finer control on the size of each cell in your strip.

  • New “Prefix” and “Suffix” labels. You can now add any prefix/suffix labels before and after your {content} in each cell. For example, you can now have the word “Cast:” before your list of Cast IDs.

  • New “Start-of-day” banner designer. Customize the default {content} that you want to appear in all your Start of day banners here. You can choose from {Date}, {Day #}, {Pages}, {Est Time}, and arbitrary notes using the {Text} content type. Aside from the {text} content type, all the above content will be automatically pulled from the associated daybreak that your SoD Banner belongs to. In other words, if you move a SoD banner from Day 1 to Day 2, the corresponding Total Page Count, Total Est Time, and Date will automatically update to Day 2’s values.

NEW Hotkeys in Stripboard View

  • Add new strip (⌘⇧S)

  • Add new daybreak (⌘⇧.)

  • Add new text banner (⌘B)

  • Open sort menu (O)

Miscellaneous bug fixes / feature requests

  • Delete more than 1 strip at a time. We made it possible to delete multiple strips at once now. We previously had this rule baked in to prevent accidental bulk-deletion of strips, but too many users said this was very annoying and we’ve removed that safety mechanism.

  • DooD reports can now hide the episodic rows. We added a new setting to DooD reports such that you can hide the episodic rows and only show the overall “All Episodes” summary row.

  • Fixed bug where “Minors” checkbox in Edit Cast Element modal wasn’t working. Found a typo in our code that disabled Minors functionality. Fixed it.

  • Fixed bug where empty text-banners were very thin. Empty banners are now full-height.

  • Fixed “Add Element” dropdown to be wider. Add Element menu in the breakdown sheet was previously adapting width depending on length of text in your element-list. We fixed this.

  • In Strip Designer, “Display As = List” now includes quantities of elements after element-name. We had a user attempt to make Vehicles display as a list of elements in the strip and discovered that for non-Background type elements, the quantity of the vehicles was not being displayed in strip. Now it does.

  • DooD Report Contrast. DooD PDF reports now have darker table-border lines and bolder font for legibility when printing.


Version 1.14


Version 1.12