Version 1.3

We finally solved the lag issue in heavy files. It’s really really really fast now.


10x Faster.

No more lag!!! We are extremely excited to announce that we have finally found the solution to our lag problem when dragging & dropping strips and when inputting data into breakdown sheets. Users with files with greater than 100-200 strips (including ourselves) were reporting lag. It took weeks of research and optimizations throughout our code-base, but we finally figured it out. Please, go open your files and take a whack at it to experience the new speeds. It should be lag-free. If you experience any slow downs, please let us know and we will deploy our engineers to squash speed bugs even further.

Desktop App.

Download the Desktop App Our app is now available as a Desktop app for all PC and Windows that use Google Chrome / Safari (MacOS Sonoma and higher). This means that you can open Cinapse as an app installed to your device. Follow the instructions here to download it.

Quality-of-life improvements.

Breakdown Sheet data-entry is even faster. We spent all week building out hundreds of strips ourselves to really understand the pain-points when entering data into a breakdown sheet. Here are some of the improvements we made:

Tab through fields faster. We tuned the ‘tab’ hotkey so that you can fly through all the fields when typing. We fixed tab so that it does not replace existing values with the first item in the dropdown. And we also fixed tab so that you can tab in and out of empty fields without accidentally adding values.

Auto-complete is better. Fixed dropdown menus and multi-select checkbox menus so that if you type “Wall” and you have other elements in your database like “Great Wall” or “The castle wall”, the system is smart enough to select “Wall” because it’s an exact match.

Enter background quantities faster. When you add BACKGROUND elements to sheets the Quantity field is now focused by default after you hit ‘enter’ so you can type in the quantity without using your mouse.

Shift-click to select elements. Added ability to Shift+click to select a range of elements and quickly copy & paste them to other breakdown sheets.

Unscheduled strips scroll behavior fixed. We had a temporary bug where the “unscheduled strips” section at the bottom of the stripboard would scroll as a separate list from the rest of the stripboard. This was really finicky and difficult to work with, especially since users are often operating at the end of the stripboard. We fixed this. Unscheduled strips is just now the ‘end’ of the stripboard. Dragging & dropping is better now because of this.

Creating and re-ordering custom categories is easier. We realized that re-arranging the order of your categories was frustrating because the menu was too small. Increased height of this menu for easier drag & drop. Also fixed bug where custom categories were defaulting to the top of your category list, instead of the bottom (duh).

Rebuilt the stripboard to be faster. We optimized the stripboard and strips by re-writing the code to rely on more CSS instead of Javascript. Loading strips, moving them, and interacting them should just feel faster overall.


Version 1.4


Version 1.2